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  • Writer's pictureLee Garrett

EMF Cell Phone Radiation

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The danger of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation emitted by smartphones is a subject of ongoing concern and research in the field of health and technology. Smartphones emit non-ionizing radiation, which falls within the category of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.

Some research has raised concerns about possible links between prolonged exposure to EMF radiation and health issues, such as an increased risk of certain cancers, disruptions in sleep patterns, and impacts on fertility.

However, it's important to note that conclusive evidence linking smartphone EMF radiation to serious health risks remains limited, and regulatory bodies around the world have established safety standards to minimize potential harm.

Nevertheless, it is prudent for individuals to adopt precautionary measures, such as using hands-free devices, reducing screen time, and maintaining a safe distance from the body when using smartphones, to mitigate potential risks associated with EMF radiation. Continued research and public awareness are essential to better understand and address these concerns.

The good news is, you CAN protect yourself from the harmful EMFs that come from your phone…In fact, you can neutralize up to 99% of the radiation with one simple, very inexpensive solution. And, it is a small sticker that you put on your phone that is made of many layers including 24k gold, many mineral layers, germanium, and other layers to help block EMF. These EMF sticker shields look simple, but they are powerful tools that reduce EMFs emitted by your phone.

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